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  1. Bir SC, Fujita M, Marui A, Hirose K, Arai Y, Sakaguchi H, Huang Y, Esaki J, Ikeda T, Tabata Y, Komeda M.
    New therapeutic approach for impaired arteriogenesis in diabetic mouse hindlimb ischemia.
    Circ J. 2008 Apr;72(4).633-40.
  2. Endo T, Nakagawa T, Kita T, Iguchi F, Kim TS, Tamura T, Iwai K, Tabata Y, Ito J.
    Novel strategy for treatment of inner ears using a biodegradable gel.
    Laryngoscope. 2005 Nov;115(11).2016-20.
  3. Hosaka A, Koyama H, Kushibiki T, Tabata Y, Nishiyama N, Miyata T, Shigematsu H, Takato T, Nagawa H.
    Gelatin hydrogel microspheres enable pinpoint delivery of basic fibroblast growth factor for the development of functional collateral vessels.
    Circulation. 2004 Nov 23;110(21).3322-8.
  4. Igai H, Yamamoto Y, Change SS, Yamamoto M, Tabata Y, Yokomise H.
    Tracheal cartilage regeneration by slow release of basic fibroblast growth factor from a gelatin sponge.
    J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2007 Jul;134(1).170-5.
  5. Inoue A, Takahashi KA, Arai Y, Tonomura H, Sakao K, Saito M, Fujioka M, Fujiwara H, Tabata Y, Kudo T.
    The therapeutic effects of basic fibroblast growth factor contained in gelatin hydrogel microspheres on experimental osteoarthritis in the rabbit knee.
    Arthritis Rheum. 2006 Jan;54(1).264-70.
  6. Ishida K, Kuroda R, Miwa M, Tabata Y, Hokugo A, Kawamoto T, Sasaki K, Doita M, Kurosaka M.
    The regenerative effects of platelet-rich plasma on meniscal cells in vitro and its in vivo application with biodegradable gelatin hydrogel.
    Tissue Eng. 2007 May;13(5).1103-12.
  7. Iwakura A, Tabata Y, Tamura N, Doi K, Nishimura K, Nakamura T, Shimizu Y, Fujita M, Komeda M.
    Gelatin sheet incorporating basic fibroblast growth factor enhances healing of devascularized sternum in diabetic rats.
    Circulation. 2001 Sep 18;104(12 Suppl 1).1325-9.
  8. Kanemitsu N, Tambara K, Premaratne GU, Kimura Y, Tomita S, Kawamura T, Hasegawa K, Tabata Y, Komeda M,
    Insulin-like growth factor-1 enhances the efficacy of myoblast transplantation with its multiple functions in the chronic myocardial infarction rat model.
    J Heart lung Transplant. 2006 Oct;25(10).1253-62.
  9. Kawaguchi H, Nakamura K, Tabata Y, Ikeda Y, Aoyama I, Anzai J, Nakamura T, Hiyama Y, Tamura M.
    Acceleration of Fracture healing in nonhuman primates by fibroblast growth factor-2.
    J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2001 Feb;86(2).875-80.
  10. Kawai K, Suzuki S, Tabata Y, Nishimura Y.
    Accelerated wound healing through teh incorporation of basic fibroblast growth factor-impregnated gelatin microspheres into artificial dermis using a pressure-induced decubitus ulcer model in genetically diabetic mice.
    Br J Plast Surg. 2005 Dec;58(8).1115-23.
  11. Kimura H, Sakamoto T, Hinton DR, Spee C, Ogura Y, Tabata Y, Ikeda Y, Ryan SJ.
    A new model of subretinal neovascularization in the rabbit.
    Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 1995 Sep;36(10).2110-9.
  12. Kimura Y, Ozeki M, Inamoto T, Tabata Y.
    Adipose tissue engineering based on human preadipocytes combined with gelatin microspheres containing basic fibroblast growth factor.
    Biomaterials. 2003 Jun;24(14).2513-21.
  13. Konishi M, Tabata Y, Kariya M, Suzuki A, Mandai M, Nanbu K, Takakura K, Fujii S.
    In vivo anti-tumor effect through the controlled release of cisplatin from biodegradable gelatin hydrogel.
    J Control Release. 2003 Oct 30;92(3).301-13.
  14. Lin X, Fujita M, Kanemitsu N, Kimura Y, Tambara K, Premaratne GU, Nagasawa A, Ikeda T, Tabata Y, Komeda M.
    Sustained-release erythropoietin ameliorates cardiac function in infarsted rat-heart without inducing polycythemia.
    Circ J. 2007 Jan;71(1).132-7.
  15. Nagae M, Ikeda T, Mikami Y, Hase H, Ozawa H, Matsuda K, Sakamoto H, Tabata Y, Kawata M, Kubo T.
    Intervertebral disc regeneration using platelet-rich plasma and biodegradable gelatin hydrogel microspheres.
    Tissue Eng. 2007 Jan;13(1).147-58.
  16. Nishida T, Kubota S, Kojima S, Kuboki T, Nakao K, KUshibiki T, Tabata Y, Takigawa M.
    Regeneration of defects in articular cartilage in rat knee joints by CCN2 (connective tissue growth factor).
    J Bone Miner Res. 2004 Aug;19(8).1308-19.
  17. Oe S, Fukunaka Y, Hirose T, Yamaoka Y, Tabata Y.
    A trial on regeneration therapy of rat liver cirrhosis by controlled release of hepatocyte growth factor.
    J Control Release. 2003 Mar 7;88(2).193-200.
  18. Rivas-Carrillo JD, Navarro-Alvarez N, Soto-Gutierrez A, Okitsu T, Chen Y, tabata Y, Misawa H, Noguchi H, Matsumoto S, Tanaka N, Kobayashi N.
    Amelioration of diabetes in mice after single-donor islet transplantation using the controlled release of gelatinized FGF-2.
    Cell Transplant. 2006 May;79(5).1627-34.
  19. Sakaguchi G, Tambara K, Sakakibara Y, Ozeki M, Yamamoto M, Premaratne G, Lin X, Hasegawa K, Tabata Y, Nishimura K, Komeda M.
    Control-released hepatocyte growth factor prevents the progression of heart failure in stroke-prone sopntaneously hypertensive rats.
    Ann Thorac Surg. 2005 May;79(5).1627-34.
  20. Sakakibara Y, Nishimura K, Tambara K, Yamamoto M, Lu F, Tabata Y, Komeda M.
    Prevascularization with gelatin microspheres containing basic fibroblast growth factor enhances the benefits of cardiomyocyte transplantation.
    J Thorac Cadiovasc Surg. 2002 Jul;124(1).50-6.
  21. Takahashi Y, Yamamoto M, Yamada K, Kawakami O, Tabata Y.
    Skull bone regeneration in nonhuman primates by controlled release of bone morphogenetic protein-2 biodegradable hydrogel.
    Tissue Eng. 2007 Feb;13(2).293-300.
  22. Yamamoto M, Takahashi Y, Tabata Y.
    Enhanced bone regeneration at a segmental bone defect by controlled release of bone morphogenetic protein-2 from a biodegradable hydrogel.
    Tissue Eng. 2006 May;12(5).1305-11.
  23. Yoshida S, Yamaguchi Y, Itami S, Yoshikawa K, Tabata Y, Matsumoto K, Nakamura T.
    Neutralization of hepatocyte growth factor leads to retarded cutaneous wound healing associated neovascularization and granulation tissue formation.
    J Invest dermatol. 2003 Feb;120(2).335-43
  24. Zhao Y, Shimizu T, Nishihira J, Koyama Y, Kushibiki T, Honda A, Watanabe H, Abe R, Tabata Y, Shimizu H.
    Tissue regeneration using macrophage migration inhibitory factor-impregnated gelatin microbeads in cutaneous wounds.
    Am J Pathol. 2005 Dec;167(6).15199-29.
